Thursday 25 February 2021

Raw Honey Banana Bread Recipe

There's something so very cosy about having the smell of banana bread filling the kitchen as the younger ones peer through the oven to catch a glimpse of their after-dinner feast.  My mama has made banana bread for as long as I can remember and since I was young I have watched and helped her make it (even if that was just licking the batter off my finger).  The particularly great thing about banana bread is that it can easily be made without sugar as the bananas already act as a natural sweetener, and raw honey can add the finishing touch.  You can also add other favoured ingredients.  I like to add almond flakes and raisins sometimes to give even more flavour, although this is very much optional.

The raw Honey Banana Bread Recipe:

  • 5 tablespoons of unsalted butter (you can alternatively use coconut oil)
  • 1/2 cup of raw honey
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 2 cups of whole wheat flour
  • Optional: a handful of almond flakes and/or a handful of raisins (or any other alternatives you may prefer)

  • Preheat the oven to 180°
  • Grease a (roughly) 9x5 inch loaf pan with butter
  • Melt the butter in a small saucepan and then pour into a large mixing bowl
  • Add the honey and mashed banana to the bowl and mix
  • Mix in the eggs
  • Add the baking powder, cinnamon, vanilla and any other optional ingredients and mix
  • Add the flour and continue to mix until all is combined
  • Next, pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan
  • Bake for 55-65 minutes
  • Let the banana bread cool in the pan for 10 minutes before transferring it to a wire rack to finish cooling

I like to enjoy the banana bread whilst it is still slightly warm with a cup of raspberry leaf tea or even a cup of raw milk.  It's a great recipe for keeping your appetite satisfied during the cold winter months, especially if you use lots of butter as it is animal fats that are needed most of all to keep you warm and healthy.

Baking can be very therapeutic, so even if you are like me and don't always have much of an appetite, it can be enjoyable to bake for others too.  It could really brighten up someone's day.  You could bake for a neighbour or a relative, a coworker, anyone.  The options are endless.

I hope you are all warm and well during these winter months, wherever you may be.  Enjoy!

Lots of love from,


Monday 8 February 2021

There is always a positive where there is a negative

I was feeling rather down about the current situation, being in lockdown and unable to do all the things I would usually be able to, when my father turned to me and said, "Honey, the only thing this situation can take away from you is your ability to be a consumer".  Upon hearing this it made me realise that whilst the current situation is far from ideal, there is still ever so much to be grateful for and if anything, now more than ever, we should all be appreciating the little things.

I am incredibly fortunate to be living in the countryside and surrounded by the beauty of nature.  I have made sure to at least try to get outside once a day to not only free my mind from all the concerns I have but to get a breath of fresh air and ground myself again.  My younger siblings love to be outside as much as me, and it is comforting to be able to walk with someone by your side, so I love to bring them along whenever I can (which is always).

I know all too well how easy it is to be sidetracked with the mundane and meaningless.  It is a conscious effort we must make to remove ourselves from these distractions, especially in an age of technology.  I have had to go to such lengths as locking my phone away in a chest and absolutely refusing to look at any screen for days at a time in order to get things done or to reevaluate what I am actually doing, but it is when we do things like this that we truly realise how much time we waste away and all the good that our precious time could be used for instead.

One thing that has been so heartwarming to see is the massive increase in interest in homesteading and self-sufficiency.  Naturally, when we are made to become responsible for ourselves we always return to a far more traditional way of living.  Children being unable to be sent away to school has meant many parents have discovered the beauty of educating their own children and teaching them according to their own traditions and beliefs.  We see how people have taught themselves to sew to make their own clothing now that we are unable to rely on clothing stores to remain open.  One of my favourite things which I have seen lately is how many people are making their own food from scratch and realising the importance of knowing how to grow and produce their own food, as well as what we should actually be eating to have a fully nutritious diet. 

One of my favourite drinks which I haven't been able to get enough of lately. Made up of raw milk, raw eggs, raw butter, raw honey and organic cacao powder.
I would say I've been on a rather big learning journey when it comes to my own diet, however, my parents have always made sure to give me the best quality food they can and I have always had access to fresh organic meats and dairy.  What really changed is my awareness.  I started to become very aware of what I was consuming and how important it can be for one's health - what I once took for granted I had now made my responsibility as I started sourcing my own suppliers of raw dairy and organic and local meats.  This is one of the best things I have ever done, as well as cutting out all artificial sugar from my diet.  I would highly encourage you to find and support your local suppliers of fresh foods from farms as not only is it healthier for you, but it is an amazing way to give back to your community and help it to flourish as it should.

Experimenting with lamb muscle meat and lamb liver in order to see which one creates better high meat.

I love creating different things, and having so much spare time meant I was able to do experiments that I otherwise might not have.  High meat is something I have wanted to make for ages.  The high meat in the photo above has been fermenting for just over eight months now.  Whether it will have been worth it or not we will soon find out...

I love to get involved with what my family are getting up to, even if it's something as simple as going out with Wilfrid in the rain to help him collect the chicken eggs.  It's the little things like this that still bring a smile to our faces many years later and become memories we cherish.  If I can give you any advice it would have to be to get involved or involve others in activities or hobbies of yours, because chances are, they would be delighted to have someone take an interest not only in what they are doing but in taking the time to live in the moment with them and truly appreciate it.

A beautiful book found at the old book shop hidden away in Oxford.

It's so important to do something you love, whether that be knitting, weightlifting or art, as long as you are taking the time to focus on something you love at least once a week I can guarantee you will feel a million times better than if you didn't.  I have loved reading ever since I was a very little girl, but as I got older I began to become so focused on my studies and social life that I began to read a lot less.  During this period where I have now had a lot more time to myself, I have been able to pick up reading once more and I love it even more than I did before.  I fully immerse myself into the world in which the book creates and live it and I couldn't be happier to have started focusing on the things I genuinely enjoy once again.

Most importantly of all, remember to take care of yourself.  Don't stress too much, don't worry too much.  These aren't things which are going to help or benefit you in any way.  What will help you is pushing yourself to reach your potential, making sure to do something every day that will make you become a better person - something we should all aim to be.

Lots of love,
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